I'll be doing a glass beadmaking demo at the ETTA Studio in Amherst tomorrow night (February 3) as part of a bigger event showcasing local Youth Art and ETTA's instructor work. There will be a live band and other festivities. I'll be lighting up the torch around 6pm to get folks excited to make some glass beads in my class which starts next week! Still accepting sign ups for this class- limit 5 people. Try something new, and warm, this winter!
Thursday Feb. 3rd, ART WALK AMHERST 5pm-7pm.
*ETTA Art Gallery located at 534 Main Street in Amherst is proud to
Exhibit the work of our teachers and students.
Come and delight in the wonderful Art Works that will be on display made by children and teens of all ages. Paintings, mini-environments, collages, drawings, paper-mache and clay sculptures can be viewed during the month of February.
*A special DEMO during this month's Art Walk: GLASS BEAD-MAKING
by artist Katie Richardson
Thursday 5-7pm FEB.3rd during ART WALK
with Live Music with local Teen Band "Who'da Funk It".