Our fabulous group of local artists and artisans is expanding rapidly (now over 50 members!) to include a fabulous selection of handmade art and good. Please remember to check us out as you start to think about your holiday shopping, and tell your friends too. Shopping with us is a great way to support local artists and the creative culture of the region as well as keep money in your own community. Check out our website to see all the fabulous things we have to offer. Look on the blog for the various shows we'll attending. Grab a bumper sticker from us at a show, plop in on your car to help spread the word. And stay tuned for a special AWM online holiday sale!
www.artisansofwmass.comNOVEMBER SHOWS

This Friday and Saturday you will find me in Greenfield among a variety of handmade treasures. Artspace in Greenfield, MA is sponsoring a
Holiday Gift Sale at Greenfield High School on Friday, Nov. 5, 6 – 9 pm and Saturday, Nov. 6, 10 – 4 pm. Admission and parking are free. Thirty artists will participate, showcasing works in fiber, pottery, glass, jewelry, painted furniture, wooden bowls, holiday ornaments, paintings, photography, dolls, doll clothes and more will be available at the sale. The sale is located at Greenfield High School on Lenox Ave., Greenfield MA.

Next weekend, come on out for
TWIST, the valley's favorite indie craft show. Twist is a fresh kind of fair, showcasing original goods and art from 60+ talented vendors. It's always a lot of fun, with music and drinks on Friday night, continuing all day Saturday for lots of holiday shopping. As usual I'll be in the East Gallery next to my friend Ben Westbrook of
BMW Ironworks and Donnabelle of
Donabelle Designs. Get some veggie glasswork for your friends and family, or order that something special you've been thinking about.

The vibe of this show is just awesome and the selection and ingenuity is outstanding. I really recommend a visit. It's held in the Northampton Center for the Arts beginning on Friday November 12 with VIP entrance from 4-6pm. If you come then you have to pay more, but you get a swag bag ad first peek at all the goodies! Then the show opens for the regular admission price from 6-9pm and continues on Saturday from 10-6pm.

Finally, on Sunday the 14th, I'll be at another sweet show for any of you who are farther south or feel like taking a drive. Craftopia, a great indie fair run by Rhody Craft, is in it's second season. It's located in Pawtucket Rhode Island, just outside Providence and will be open from 10-5pm.